Political Science Graduate Student Association
Check out pictures from our first event, the 
Grad Lounge “Grand Re-Opening.” Excited Political Science staff members kick off our Grad Lounge “Grand Re-Opening.” Graduate students enjoying the mini buffet of sandwich wraps, fresh fruit & veggies, muffins, cookies, and even (non-alcoholic) sparkling cider! Check out the pictures from our Hike to the “C” Behind UCR! Political science graduate students hiking up the steep mountain trail. We made it to the “C”! A bird’s eye view of UCR and surrounding areas from the “C”. Everyone was refreshed and ready to get back to studying after the hike into nature. Check out pics from our “Sundaes on Monday” Make-Your-Own-Ice-Cream-Sundae Party With four flavors of ice cream and zillions of topping choices, graduate students got creative when building their ice cream masterpieces. Graduate students and faculty members chat and relax after getting their fill of sticky, sweet goodies. Check out pics from the Welcome Brunch!

Pictures coming soon.